The following lectures are given by international experts in the diabetic foot. The topics in this section of the e-learning program are to equip you with the fundamental knowledge ad information in managing the pre- ulcerative foot. They were designed to give basic knowledge for those who are involved in clinical care of persons living with diabetes. Topics include: basics pathology, screening / examination techniques, risk stratification, etc.
Each lecture has subtitles in different languages.
You can pause, replay and review as often as you want, share this training with students and local team. We hope you find them instructive and helpful.

#1 - The role of D-Foot International – Kristien Van Acker ...

#2 - Global introduction by D-Foot International chair, Kristien ...

#3 - What goes wrong with the diabetic foot?
Foot examination

#1 - L’examen de base du pied diabétique

#2 - A basic foot examination
Risk factors

#1 - Identification des facteurs de risque

#2 - Identifying risk factors for foot ulceration, stratification...

#1 - Classifications e-foot care

#2 - Classifications CC

#3 - Ulcer classification

#4 - Neuropathic and Neuro-ischaemic ulcers : UT-Classification

#1 - Neuropathie

#2 - Evaluation de l’artériophatie diabétique

#3 - Le pied de Charcot

#4 - Plaie neuroischémique Sinbad

#5 - Complications podologiques du diabète

#6 - Infections du Pied Diabétique – OPD

#7 - Infection du Pied Diabétique – IPTM

#8 - Infection du Pied Diabétique – Physiopathologie

#1 - Précautions universelles d’hygiène

#2 - Traitement local

#3 - Concepts de base du chaussage

#4 - Callus removal – scalpel techniques

#5 - Footwear basic concepts

#6 - Basic Wound-care treatment principles for simple ulcers
Case studies

#1 - Cas clinique Neuroischémique non infectée

#2 - Case Studies – risk stratification – part 1

#3 - Case Studies – risk stratification – part 2

#4 - Neuropathic and Neuro-ischaemic ulcers : CASE studies
Data collection

#1 - Diafi-Data : the data collection for diabetic foot