Pr. Vilma Urbančič | Slovénia
This presentation will show how to identify and risk-stratify the “At risk” foot in diabetes. It will also introduce the concept of intervention strategies.

Pr. Vilma Urbančič
Dr Vilma Urbančič, MD, PhD is specialist in internal medicine – diabetology and has been active in the field of diabetic foot care since 1990. She is a founding member of the Diabetic Foot Study Group of EASD and an active member of the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF). She has organized diabetic foot training courses for nurses and physicians in Slovenia and took part in the preparation of Diabetic Foot Care Education Programme For the training of certified Diabetic Foot Care Assistants. Since 2009, she has been involved in the Step by Step and Train the Foot Trainer Courses.